still in the car.....
still feeling reminiscent... still looking ahead...
After a three month break Jack (@jackdv) and Dom (@lopresti92) return now recording form their brand new studio... the front seats of Jack's car.
With another podcast so close to Christmas the team take a look at making some Christmas Porn films into some family friendly (and some not so family friendly) properties.
Coming for the first time from Birmingham we take a whistle stop conversational tour starting at Scotland, ending with Yeezus himself Kanye West via the horror worlds of John Carpenter, Sam Raimi and video games.
We ask the most important question of all..... Are yoooooooooooou a Brangipane?
Our duo take a short look at the apes prequels before taking an over eighteens addition of weird news.
Jack is tested on a quiz (with which you can play along at home!) Who said it? Kanye West, or a teenage girl on Twitter? We also take a look at some of Cosmopolitan's worst ever sex advice.
Join us as we go through a journey of all things Buzzfeed.
The thirteenth episode of No Laughing Matter!!!
Seen as unlucky by some, lucky for others while the rest of us have other things to worry about. In this episode Jack shares trolling on Amazon and Dom takes a look at a local yacht club that is not all that it seems.
In our first recording of 2014 we look forward and back!
We studied Arnold Schwarzenegger's lesser know commentary work, whilst discovering where each of our moral compasses lie.
Watch along on YouTube here... Watch along with Dom and Jack as they are taken on a journey via the USSR through Tolkien's classic: The Hobbit. It turns out that Russia in 1985 can tell the whole story in a little over one hour. It takes Peter Jackson at least eight hours (maybe more). Who is the better filmmaker? Watch along and decide for yourself.
Jack and Dom return to the airwaves before dawn.
Armed with only their pyjamas they are met by strange tales of Crimes and Christmas. Will they make it through unharmed?..... Will Jack's dressing gown remain tied?...... Will Dom spell or pronounce anything correctly?...... Tune in to find out!!!!! Links…for-gamers.html…ne-instead-4217752/…istmas-day-4214077/…ag-of-cash-4216747/…ilm-frozen-4213199/…his-bottom-4209876/…h-ceremony-4216708/
The tiny of mile stones for the pair to celebrate as the number of podcasts hits double figures. The odds are 50/50 but will their movie knowledge help they guess these two or false film trivia questions. With Christmas fast approaching, a look at some of the most "interesting" Christmas presents on the market.
AUTHORSJack Del-Vecchio
@jackdv Domenico Lopesti
@lopresti92 CategoriesArchives
October 2022